Battle of the Books

Books were chosen by CHPCS teachers and staff. As a class, we distribute the books and read, read, read! We drop everything and read! We snuggle up and read! We read with our buddies. We read with our friends! We listen to audiobooks! We read as a class. It is a veritable reading celebration!
At the end of February, we will go class against class in a trivia competition. Each class will be asked trivia questions such as "In which book does the main character have a vision of his warren's destruction?" Students must correctly identify the correct title and author (Watership Down by Richard Adams). Each student may only answer two or three questions, so it is truly a team effort. After each class has "squared off", the teams with the greatest number of points will go into the final.
Book sets will be available on Monday, so be sure to preview the list. No one child is expected to read every book. Parents are welcome to choose books to read to their students, and join in the fun at home.